Hani Ghali

Chief Executive Officer

Hani Ghali has a background in IT from as early as 1988; He started his career working for large Corporates such as Westpac, IBM, AGL, and various Insurance Companies with their large mainframe water-cooled computer systems. After working as support to the computer operations, he developed a multitude of skills in mainframe Systems Programing and with specialised security, backup and recovery systems for mainframe computers.

In 1990 Hani focused his attention and experience on establishing the first computer entertainment retail outlets in major shopping centres such as Westfield that offered personal computers, software, games and other entertainment machines such as Sega, Nintendo and Sony. He was also instrumental in establishing the first “internet cafes” in Westfield shopping centres.

Around 1998, Hani turned his attention to Montessori education after he was challenged by the needs of a small local Montessori school in which his children were enrolled. All 4 of his children attended Montessori schooling from Cycle 1; the oldest 3 children graduated at the end of Cycle 3 and his youngest had the privilege to complete the Montessori adolescent program through Cycle 4 and then Cycle 5, year 12 HSC.    

Hani’s passion for serving and helping people has been released by Montessori education. He has now been in the schooling and education support industry for over 20 years, first in school administration support, business management, then to Principal and Board member of a Montessori school that offered children 0-18 years of age the remarkable opportunity to be supported by and benefit from the Montessori Method of Education. Over the past 6 years he has been engaged with supporting a wide variety of organisations including Montessori Childcare Centres, schools and organisations wishing to establish a Montessori environment with specifically designed classroom fit-outs and specialised Montessori equipment and materials.   

Montessori Australia is the current focus of Hani’s innovative vision. Since September 2019 he has worked tirelessly to help bring stability, connection and inclusiveness in a spirit of goodwill within the Montessori Community in Australia. Part of the vision he has and which he shares with many is to help reinforce Montessori Australia in its function as the Peak Body, and to support the marvellous work of other organisations and individuals that also support the natural development of individuals from birth through childhood to mature adults on their quest for a harmonious and peaceful world. 

Let us all share in this peace and goodwill, setting an example for the children to follow.   

We’re Moving to a New Platform!

Hello there,

We’re excited to share that we’re in the process of moving to a brand-new platform designed to offer you an even better experience.

That said, we still have a lot to move—thousands of articles, blogs, and other content—which is taking a bit longer than we’d hoped.

While we continue transitioning everything over, you’ll be redirected to the new platform for sections like Events, Jobs, the Directory, Shops, and Membership, which are already up and running.

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this process.