What is Quality Assurance and why is it so important?

As Montessori educators, our mission is to provide the best possible education for all students in our Montessori learning environments.

What does the future educator look like?

The trend in 2018 is to speak about digital technology, digital disruption to future jobs, creative industries, entrepreneurship and of course the types of jobs that will disappear or change radically.

Quality Play: When Less is More

Australia has one of the highest rates of spending per child on toys, with our children averaging 250 toys each.  Today’s consumer society and marketing drives parents to buy more toys, whether it be buying the latest trend, responding to

Montessori for the Digital Age

Montessori Australia recently hosted the “Montessori for the Digital Age Forum” featuring the noted digital parenting educator Dr Kristy Goodwin.  In her workshop entitled “Plugged-in Childhoods”, Montessori leaders and educators were given evidence-based research and practical information about raising healthy

Helping Language Development

In a Montessori environment writing is introduced before reading; the reverse of most other methods of education. When writing, the words come from the child (the child knows what they are wanting to express) however reading is a more complex

Fostering Independence at Home (for the 6-9 year old child)

Children are capable of more self reliance than their parents sometimes think. With the right support your child can learn to meet many of their own needs, and will often joyfully rise to an opportunity convincingly put.

Learning at Home

Children learn best when they interact with materials or topics of their own choosing. In the Montessori classroom they are not only gaining knowledge but also learning to concentrate and manage their time independently. The content is not separate from

What is the best age to start Montessori at home?

It’s never too early – nor too late, for that matter – to start Montessori at home and witness the profound benefits of this time-tested and transformational approach to raising confident, joyful, independent young people.

We’re Moving to a New Platform!

Hello there,

We’re excited to share that we’re in the process of moving to a brand-new platform designed to offer you an even better experience.

That said, we still have a lot to move—thousands of articles, blogs, and other content—which is taking a bit longer than we’d hoped.

While we continue transitioning everything over, you’ll be redirected to the new platform for sections like Events, Jobs, the Directory, Shops, and Membership, which are already up and running.

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this process.