Lessons of Grace and Courtesy (Personal Development)

Personal development in Montessori early childhood settings revolves around the lessons of grace and courtesy, the Montessori lessons designed to ensure the needs of everyone in the setting are respected and to promote social harmony. These lessons are given to


From birth children are deeply interested in everything around them. They are driven to explore their world in the service of their own development. If they are to respond to this drive, children need the freedom to explore and discover

Beauty and Order

Montessori environments are prepared to be both beautiful and ordered.

Assessment and Evaluation

The Montessori curriculum is organised in a developmental sequence from one phase of learning to the next. Individual students, however, are able to work successfully through elements of the curriculum in a sequence unique to themselves. For this reason, comparisons

Maria Montessori – The Pioneer

Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870, in Chiaravalle, Italy. From an early age she broke through the traditional barriers for women, attending a technical school with initial ambitions to be an engineer, to go on to choose

Digital Technologies for the 3-6 Year Old Child

In recent years there has been much debate about the integration of digital technologies, specifically the use of computers, in early childhood settings. In the view of Montessori educators the disadvantages of computer use in early childhood settings outweigh the

Montessori Materials

The preparation of each Montessori environment includes the careful preparation of the Montessori developmental materials appropriate to that environment. The Montessori materials are sets of objects, each set designed to exacting specifications.

Montessori Parent and Toddler Program

In Montessori Education, the specially designed place that children come to work in is called a ‘prepared learning environment’. The first ‘work’ your child will do in the program is to orientate themselves to the new space in which they

Offering Encouragement not Empty Praise

Practical suggestions for offering encouragement, not empty praise.

We’re Moving to a New Platform!

Hello there,

We’re excited to share that we’re in the process of moving to a brand-new platform designed to offer you an even better experience.

That said, we still have a lot to move—thousands of articles, blogs, and other content—which is taking a bit longer than we’d hoped.

While we continue transitioning everything over, you’ll be redirected to the new platform for sections like Events, Jobs, the Directory, Shops, and Membership, which are already up and running.

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this process.