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Social Reform

International Outreach

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Montessori Australia is proud to be able to support colleagues in the wider international Montessori community. Work is carried out in conjunction with the host country and often involves AMI who lead the way with international outreach to uphold the rights of the child in society and make known the child’s importance for the progress of civilisation. Individuals volunteer their time and experience and are financially supported by the host country or AMI, or are self-funded. Regular close liaison with AMI and attendance by many Australians at the AMI AGM and Open Forum in Amsterdam enables us to continue to meet and collaborate with colleagues from all over the world who have the same commitment to children.  Each year at the AMI AGM we hear of further successful efforts by other countries that are able to build on the work of the Australian National Montessori Curriculum and achieve greater levels of government recognition in their own countries.

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International Outreach

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We’re Moving to a New Platform!

Hello there,

We’re excited to share that we’re in the process of moving to a brand-new platform designed to offer you an even better experience.

That said, we still have a lot to move—thousands of articles, blogs, and other content—which is taking a bit longer than we’d hoped.

While we continue transitioning everything over, you’ll be redirected to the new platform for sections like Events, Jobs, the Directory, Shops, and Membership, which are already up and running.

We truly appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through this process.